skate lesson CALLS

We’re calling it “Skate Lessons” but it’s really more or less just experienced skate ministry leaders sharing tips, tricks, and feedback for those looking to start leading skate ministry in their local community. We would love to invite you to join us on the second Tuesday of each month for an hour long call where you can ask questions, get advice, share resources, and be encouraged. Network and create community with other like-minded people in skate ministry from around the country. One hour zoom call designed for sharing resources, stories, and encouragement with others.

second Tuesday
every month
1-2pm est

  • Skate Church Movement - Skate Lessons Training Call

    Zoom Meeting Link:

    Meeting ID: 894 7029 6846

    Passcode: 1234

    One tap mobile

    +13052241968,,89470296846#,,,,*1234# US

    +19292056099,,89470296846#,,,,*1234# US (New York)

    Dial by your location

    • +1 305 224 1968 US
    • +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

    Meeting ID: 894 7029 6846
    Passcode: 1234